miercuri, 30 iunie 2010


OH YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ <---happyest person alive and/or dead.



Hehe ...





Deci, SHINee va avea un comeback in IULIE. [to self: keep it in you. Keep it in you.]
SI STIU ASTA PENTRU CA, scuzati caps lock-ul, PENTRU CA coreagrafa a postat ASTA:
*drum rolls*

Cica nu va fi sexy -_-'. DAR VA FI ALBASTRUUUUUU.
Si Key si-a schimbat sigur parul pentru ca au avut un concert de curand si il avea tot ascuns sub sapca, hehe.
*sudden idea*
BAAAAAAAA; DACA NU MAI ARE PAR DELOC?! OMG. Cred ca mi-ar sta inima in loc.
Si se zvoneste ca Minho purtase peruca, deci parul lui nu e negru. [SA VA I-A NAIBA DACA-I TAIATI PREA MULT DIN PAR. Ii sta prea bine cu parul lung ^^ heh xD]
Uhh, si Taeminnie are parul lung ^^ sper sa-i ramana asa <3.
Si atat. Nu mai discut despre altceva.
OMFG, Mi-am amintit. Jonghyun purta maieeeeeeeeuuuu :> *raises brows*

Las fan-girlitul pe alta data xD.

sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

marți, 22 iunie 2010

Meme From Saru's Blog

1. Fell in love with life.

2. Stayed awake all night.

3. Have been to the seaside.

4. Embraced somebody out of overflowing emotions.

5. Ran away from a huge (or almost huge) dog

6. Grown a cactus

7. Bought an MP3 player

8. Got yourself two cats

9. Went for a walk in snowstorm.

10. Stared somebody down

11. Lost a friend.

12. Met and made friends with a person born on the same day as you

13. Went for a stroll in the rain without an umbrella.

14. Went for a walk alone

15. Patted a tiger.

16. Took a running dive into the water

17. Enjoyed the sunset.

18. Stayed in solitude for several days.

19. Got drunk.

20. Broke the window.

21. Offended somebody

22. Roller-skated all day long.

23. Jumped with a parachute

24. Spent the whole day talking to a girl.

25. Lived together with someone you love. (parents count right?)

26. Sewn your finger on a jacket.

27. Fell into a deep pit.

28. Got scared to death.

29. Made a valuable present to someone.

30. Spent your time chattering on the phone for a few hours.

31. Fell in love

32. Fell out of love

33. Hated.

34. Got lost in the woods.

35. Climbed into the fountain with cold water and splashed there.

36. Slept in a tent.

37. Traveled by train for seven days.

38. Traveled by plane.

39. Smashed the dishes

40. Was in good spirits on January 1.

41. Killed a blood-filled mosquito

42. Held a live butterfly in your hands

43. Fell asleep listening to your favorite music.

44. Ate potatoes, baked in the fire.

45. Spent the whole day in the sun.

46. Looked up to the starry sky and searched for bright stars and constellations.

47. Forgot about something very important.

48. Spent half the night texting

49. Spent your last internet time on reading blogs.

50. Sang karaoke.

51. Ate a whole chocolate bar in one go.

52. Spent the whole day reading

53. Smiled through tears.

54. Watched one and the same film for 5 times from the very beginning to the very end.

55. Told someone looking in the eyes “it is time to stop our communication”.

56. Clapped until your hands hurt.

57. Danced to exhaustion.

58. Quitted smoking.

59. Kissed a photograph.

60. Made a sand castle

61. Haven’t slept at night during a thunderstorm.

62. Hated yourself, and then fell in love again

63. Noticed a stupid mistake in a movie.

64. Climbed a tree.

65. Come to love something you hated before.

66. Radically changed your life

67. Found a job.

68. Won a dispute.

69. Overate strawberries to the point of sickness.

70. Switched on and enjoyed listening to the music at a maximum volume

71. Cried for three hours non-stop.

72. Got offended and stopped talking to anybody for a day.

73. Plucked nettles with your bare hands.

74. Sang a song without music.

75. Sang in a choir on stage.

76. Performed solo on stage in front of a huge number of people.

77. Made a photo of an animal.

78. Baked a cake.

79. Made a photo of the sky.

80. Hit the wall.

81. Listened to somebody else’s gibberish

82. Went to a concert.

83. Spent the day in front of a computer

84. Tried to commit suicide

85. Cut yourself with paper

85. Had a pain shock.

86. Tried to swim in the water up to your knee

87. Received a beautiful china doll as a present

88. Fell down the stairs.
89. Found something new for yourself

90. Wore a wedding dress.

91. Read a big book in just a few hours.

92. Washed a mountain of dishes.

93. Found strength to live.

94. Told a secret about yourself

95. Sat in a room with lights down till nightfall.

96. Fell asleep embracing a soft stuffed toy.

97. Talked on the phone with a perfect stranger.

98. Got lost in the music, forgetting everything.

99. Talked to a foreigner.

100. Died

Gimme Five!

Da o.o - e destul de monotona perioada asta.
Singurul lucru bun care probabil s-a intamplat a fost faptul ca am slabit 2 kg. Dar mai e mult pana ajung acolo unde vreau. Bine nu exagerat de mult ca nu vreau sa fiu scandura dar nici nu vreau sa fiu bustean. LOL.
Deci, am inceput sa devin obsedata de 'macros'- cine nu stie -google it.[adica sa-ti explic, pictures with writing on them, funny writing.]

Ah, si mai bag cateva site-uri acolo sus ^ ca odata ce a venit vara am inceput sa stau mai mult la net si sa fasesc mai multe site-uri calumea. Heh ~

siiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ azi merg la Arad. Why? Pentru ca necesit o pereche de incaltaminte.(adica o pereche de tocuri pe care o sa mor). For what do I need killer heels? Pentru majoratul verisoarei mele ^_^.

Si .... aaaa ... sunt plictisita.
Si ma simt neapreciata.
Si ma enerveaza vremea asta de afara. (vant, ploaie, frig)
Si am devenit G-Dragon si T.O.P bias :3

Siiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaa! T.O.P. - Turn it up!
Cea mai geniala piesa a verii :3 [pana scoate B2st, MBlaq sau SHINee ceva xD]
Si maaaaaaaaaa! BigBang comeback at the end of the summer :3.
And YG Family comeback =_=" Hurray ~

Deci cam atat de postat. Sunt plictisita. Si vreau sa citesc o carte buna.
Did you know I can stop periods? PERIOD.


joi, 17 iunie 2010


Deci Corea a pierdut.
A dat unul de la Coreachiar la inceput un autogol (va si amar de capul lui) si apoi au mai dat un gol. Deci au avut un gol.
Si Argentina a avut 4 goluri.
Dar nah.
Ghinion xD.


The Dream Team - Neva lose :3 [this song is looooooveee]




Football = Life
Ar trebui sa stiti deja asta xD.
Oh Doamne =_=" ma dor picioarele ingrozitor de ieri. [Am fost la alregat si mai merg si azi.]
Si sunt inca in pijamale. Si mie somn de nu mai pot, desi m-am trezit la ora 11.
Culmea c am adormit la 3 noaptea si am niste pungi sub ochi. Si un cos pe frunteeee cat naiba de mare o.o. Tre` sa merg sa-mi cumpar din nou crema sa nu cumva sa 'erupa' cosurile la mine pe fata ca innebunesc. Si`asa am o mutra de te sperii, imi mai lipsesc petele de accne.
Si am inecput sa folosesc Twitter deci ura pentru mine! xD
O sa-l pun acolo langa celelalte site`uri pe care le vizitez des o.o, heh xD.
Like a stalker.


Cred ca Corea va pierde meciul de azi cu Argentina. Sau va face egalitate.
Adica, Argentine mereu a ajuns intre primii 10 si Corea >_> nu prea.
God give us a miracle!


Vreaaaau ~sa ma tund scurt. Ceva mai baietesc. Ce te uiti faa asa? Da, ai citit bine. Mai baietesc. Si nu, nu sunt lesbiana. Pur si simplu am vazut niste tipe si le statea bestiaaaaaaal. Si acum vreau si eu, dar eh ~ de la vorbe pana la fapte mai e xD.



duminică, 6 iunie 2010

Memorable things.

1.Chocolate is sex.
2.Always use perfume.
3.Look twice as good than the bitch next to you.
4.Don't mess with me. I lose control easy.
5.My friend said I need a boyfriend -__-'.
6.I don't know why she said that.
7.Park Yong Hee.
8.Joon. [or maybe Nickhun? naah, maybe Minhyuk <3]
9.Gosh, I know too many good-looking boys.
10. Moste elders are idiots.
11.Did you know I'm waiting to get old, just beacuse I will be able to swear how much I want, I won't need more than 2 opinions, and people will still respect me.
12.That in case those 'people' aren't like me.
13.That means, if you want respect-EARN IT.
14.I usually treat people like a mirror. [You hate me, I hate you. You respect me, I respect you. -that isn't the case in love (just maybe sometimes >_>)-
15.I want to end this by saying 'Fuck you' but that wouldn't be nice, would it? So I'll end it by saying :


PS: So what if I have a thing for G-Dragon, it's not a thing as in a crush it's .. it's .. IT'S JUST A THING.

sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2010


Yes, tonight I'mma share my love.

Asa-i ca Key arata pur si simplu angelic in poza asta? *sigh*

PS: Mie somn.

Post de noapte

Am zis vreodata cat de mult imi place Yoseob? Adica chiar imi placeee~ mult mult mult de tot!
Dar nu e genul ala sa-ti placaaa placa [adica gen ... dragoste] e genul sa-ti placa. DA SA-TI PLACA RAU DE TOT- defapt nu chiar RAU DE TOT, mai mult ... e gen extrem. Adica mult.
Si mai e si nascut pe 5 ianuarie <3.
Concluzia: Imi place Yoseob. In special vocea lui.
PS: Are fata de copil de 13 ani dar el face [sau a facut 20 xDDDD].

[FYI: Motivul pentru care sunt treaza la ora asta e faptul ca-mi iau un joc [ASDA STORY] si astept sa se downloadeze xDDD. Doamne da` sa fie ceva de jocul asta :)).

vineri, 4 iunie 2010

School Rubish.

Iau locul 2 anul asta. Am o medie de 9 (la fizica). Si cam atat cu scoala o.o'
Am devenit o JoJo pe SFI! (SHINee international forum). Aham, JoJo e o persoana cu mai mult de 30 de posturi >_> si care poate viziona si downloada cele mai noi chestii @_@. SO YAY FOR ME ^-^.
[Si da, stiu ca e ilegal, but who cares? probably the law >_> dar nu gasesti in romania albumele lor, si daca le iau de pe YesAsia ele nu se pun la socoteala cand calculeaza cine e cel mai bun soo ~ ]
SI OH MY GOD. Si-a uploadat Erii fanficul si am crezut ca innebunesc acolo o-o.
Si a avut sistah banchetul.
Si ah! Trebuie sa o omor pe sis, [PS: daca vei asta sa stii ca zilele iti sunt numarate, cel putin pana te sun eu din nou.] m-a bagat in bucluc. Hah! Cum suna :buc-luc. Bucluc. BUCLUC!
Si inca ceva.
M-am visat cu G-Dragon. Cica eram intr-o clasa, si el era coleg de clasa cu mine. [ nu era clasa mea si nici nu mai stiu cine erau ceilalti pe langa] Si nu era G-Dragon la 20 si de ani pe care-i are. Defapt, nici nu mai stiu sigur daca era el, dar mama masii ca semana al naibii de bine o-o". Si pe langa asta, stiu sigur ca era o scoala de baieti, si nu stiu cum puii mei am ajuns eu acolo, si era GD (sau sosia lui XD) un pervers si jumatate. Si profa, care era tot diriga pe care o am acum m-a pus sa stau langa el.
Si nu mai stiu ca m-am tezit naibii xD.
Ah, ce misto are fii sa mai am visul ala.
Am primit un portofel nou. E mov, are desenat doua oite pe el si scrie "Ich hab Dich lieb!" [=Te iubesc!"].

Aham - cam atat. Nu s-au intamplat prea multe.
[meme'ul de azi era o poza mai rock, dar nu am in pc poze cu pietre xD. Heh, glumesc, dar nu ma simt eu in ritmul ala asa ca voi pune o poza cuuuuuuuuuuuuuu : vedeti la inceput xD]
